Thursday, January 17, 2008

Researching a Custody, Divorce, Child Support Case in Colombia County?

Are you doing research to defend yourself in a civil case related to child custody, alimony, child support, or divorce in Colombia County? Be sure to check out these important opinions published by the courts.


Izzo V. Izzo
185-98 (Montour County)
Opinion date: August 4, 2000
RTF format

Al-Raddahi v. Al-Raddahi
322 of 2006 Columbia County
Opinion date: May 17, 2006
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
PDF Format

Custody Relocation "Gruber"
Billie Jo Heimbach v. Mark H. Cashner
1098 of 2005 Columbia County
Opinion date: June 23, 2006
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
PDF Format
Primary custodian
Edward T. Fochler v. Margaret C. Groves
325 of 2005 Montour
Opinion date: March 6, 2006
Thomas A. James, Jr., J.
PDF Format

Best Interest
Lucinda A. Wolfe V. Roger Wolfe
1497 of 1999
Opinion date: October 19, 2000
RTF Format

Best interest of the child
Bacon v. Bacon
933 of 2000
Opinion date: May 18, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Best interest of the child
Keith Stalker v. Robin Puderbaugh
1441 of 1999
Opinion date: July 6, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Changing the Custody of Three Children
Lisa L. Whitesell v. James P. Whitesell
1436 of 1997 Columbia
Opinion date: February 1, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF Format

Child Custody separating half siblings
Jamie Lee Norris v. Kimberly Anne O'Brien

169 of 1999
Opinion date: January 22, 2001
RTF Format

A de novo hearing seeking primary custody of parties' minor son.
George A. Baldwin, Jr. v Rosalba Baldwin
524 of 2000 Columbia County
Opinion date: November 26, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF Format

Exceptions to Master's Recommendation
Leroy F. Force v. Pamela R. Force
925 of 2001 Columbia
June 5, 2002
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr
RTF Format

Gruber Analysis
Elise M. (Crawford) Welliver v. James E. Crawford
435 of 1990 Columbia County
Opinion date: February 21, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James Jr.
RTF Format

Gruber Analysis
Kowalchick v. Kowalchick
1508 OF 1993 October 10, 2000 and Order Amended Opinion date: October 12, 2000
RTF format

Modify Custody
John C. Diehl, Sr. v. Deborah A. Sponenberg
1167 of 2001
May 22, 2002
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Modify Custody
Todd A. Moyle v. Shirley J. Moyle
1788 of 1997
May 20, 2002
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Partial custody schedule altered to accommodate the parties's schedules.
Yocum v. Yocum
416 of 2002 Columbia County
April 10, 2003
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Petition to Modify
Markell (Kingsley) v. Markell
Opinion date: June 28, 2000
RTF format

"Geographical" Case
Yohey v. Yohey
Opinion date: March 8, 2000
RTF format

Relocation Gruber
Lorenda M. Renninger V. Gregory Allen Renninger
1472 OF 1995
Opinion date: October 18, 2000
RTF Format

Hess v. Smith
Opinion date: March 9, 2000
RTF format

Special Relief
Norris v. Young (O'Brien)
169 of 1999
Opinion date: May 18, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Child placed in the custody of father while mother attended law school, father did not want to return child.
Amber Kachurka-Powell v. Marcus T. Powell 1041 of 1997
July 23, 2003
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format


Post nuptial agreement; rescission; breach of contract
Stephanie A. Knorr v. James W. Knorr
1279 of 2004 Columbia County
Opinion date: October 5, 2005
Thomas A. James, Jr., J.
PDF format

Alimony/Temporary Alimony
William E. Titman V. Nancy L. Titman
562 OF 1996 Montour County
Opinion date: September 5, 2000
RTF format

William E. Titman V. Nancy L. Titman
562 OF 1996 Montour County
Opinion date: October 19, 2000
RTF Format

Alimony Pendente Lite
Benjamin E. Dainowski v. Evelyn M. Dainowski
82 of 1982 Columbia County
Opinion date: February 16, 2001
Judge James
RTF Format

Adams v Adams
1177-CV-1999 Columbia County
Opinion Dated: March 14, 2001
Judge Naus
RTF Format

Child Support
Schuler v Schuler
1217-CV-2000 Columbia County
Opinion Dated: November 7, 2002
President Judge Naus
RTF Format

Common Law Marriage
Lampshire v. Lee-Lampshire
82-00 and DR27-00
Opinion date: August 18, 2000
RTF format

Living Separate and Apart for Two Years
Lloyd v. Lloyd
Opinion date: March 6, 2000
RTF format

Child support, birthing expenses and Statute of Limitations
Stacey R. Manning v. Fred H. Fausnaught, Jr.
DR 447 of 1999
Opinion date: November 3, 2000
RTF Format

Child Support arrearages D.P.W. assignment
Kathy Barlet v. Hyes D. Horner, Jr.
DR 364 of 1985
Opinion date: January 22, 2001
RTF format

Child support-voluntarily leaving employment-worker's compensation settlements
Heather L. Bredbenner v. Jesse M. Bredbenner
DR 398-00 PACSES #146102835
Opinion Date: February 12, 2003
Judge James
RTF format

Movant seeks to modify based upon a Workers' Compensation settlement.
McGaw v. McGaw (474 DR 1998)
Opinion date: February 8, 2001
Judge Naus
RTF format

Modification of Child Support Obligation-decreased earnings
Leane M. Coladonato v. Edward M. Coladonato
DR 00062-00 PACSES 824101982
Opinion Date: May 2002
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Spousal support entitlement
Donna K. Nevius v. Randy S. Nevius
DR 199 of 2002
PACSES 251104530
June 9, 2003
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format


Mother wanted to move to Tennessee
Ralph P. Hart v. Regina J. Hart
62 of 2001 Montour County
Opinion date: June 19, 2001
Judge Thomas A. James, Jr.
RTF format

Second Paternity Test 23 Pa. C.S.A. § 4343(c)(1)
Shuman v. Simon CV60066-99 MONTOUR CO. Domestic Relations
RTF format

Allocation of Childcare Costs
Morgante v. Morgante
Opinion date: June 13, 2000
RTF format

Burke v. Burke III
Opinion date: August 21, 2000
RTF format

In re: Tax Claim Bureau Columbia County 2000 Real Estate Tax Sale Upset Sale 68 MV 2000
Charles W. Carr and Irene J. Tarnoweckyj v. Columbia County Tax Claim Bureau and George and Carolyn Sheffield
104 c of 2001 Columbia County
Opinion dated: March 2, 2001
Judge James
RTF format