Doing some legal work on your own? Stuck on some legal terminology? Here is one of my favorite resources:
A Layman's Guide to Legal Terms
abstract of record -- An abbreviated but complete history of a case.
abstract of title -- An abbreviated chronological history of the ownership of a plot of land.
action -- Lawsuit; the legal demand for one's right asserted in a court.
action in personam -- A lawsuit against a person based on personal liability.
action in rem (in rem) -- A lawsuit to determine title to property.
adjective law -- The body of rules of procedure or practice; the part of law which sets forth methods of enforcing rights; as distinguished from substantive law which creates those rights.
adversary system -- The trial methods used in the U.S. and some other countries, based on the belief that truth can best be determined by giving opposing parties full opportu8nity to present and establish their evidence, and to test by cross- examination the evidence presented by their adversaries, under established rules of procedure before an impartial judge and/or jury.
allegation -- The position of a party to a lawsuit, stated in the pleading.